Christmas is Coming!

I'm not sure if the exclamation point in the post title is meant as excitement or about you guys?? I cannot believe that It's already December! Sometime last monthish I decided that this year I was going to make quilts for all of my siblings........There are FIVE of them people! FIVE! Now I'm thinking that this was a bad idea but I'm committed and so it's happening...hopefully.

Here's Where I'm at so far!

My brother is 13 and when asked about favorite colors told me Seahawks colors....I am not exactly a Seahawks fan and I didn't want it to be a couple years from now and he's got a new favorite team and won't use the quilt anymore (ok that's probably just me being paranoid he would never dream of that...he's super sweet to me!) So I made it Seahawks colors but no Seahawks fabric and added in the black to make it even a little more different. This one turned out awesome! There are mustashes and lions and i'm seriously in love!

The next two are for my 16 year old sisters. They are SUPER close so I decided to make them matching quilts! 

This one is for the older of the two girls and I LOVE this background color! In person it is so dark it is almost black. 

The second sister is a bit more whimsical than the older one so she has those cotton and steel lions from before. (my brother got her leftovers hehe) I really really hope that they all love them!

The next two quilts are not quite coming along as quickly as I had hoped.

For my two eleven year old sisters I am making two penny patches. I had a great/way easier/way faster idea for some really big HST's placed in cool designs but one of them saw the fabric I had picked and when I explained my vision to her she said "'s ok" So I let her help pick different fabrics and a new direction (This was maybe a bad idea)

Here's the basic color scheme and some of the blocks for the older of the two. I realized after piecing all the blocks (really quickly too...just saying) That I LOVE to piece penny patch blocks! I also realized however....I HATE sewing the rows together! It's boooooring! It takes FOREVER. and you have to pin a lot! Oh well. I've made my bed as they say. So all of the blocks are ready for this one it's just waiting on me to get my act together and finish sewing the rows for the other one so I can get this one up on the design wall.

I couldn't get a very good picture of this one up on the design wall so I settled for this detail shot of the Horses that started it all. Once my sister saw these cotton and steel beauties nothing else would do for her quilt. So we built her colors around them. :)

Now I'm super proud that I have three tops done...but I'm sure you're thinking...uh Meg, you only have three weeks to get all of those finished...and you I say Don't You Think I Know THAT! Then I throw fabric at you. Later I will come back and say sorry and bring chocolate though. 

Oh! Since I know you're DYING to's the original fabric pull and idea for her quilt!

I was going to do 18" HST's and arange them probably in the mixed up diagonal lines second down on the left. It was gonna be kinda cool...Oh well. Maybe I'll just make one for me!

See You later lovelies!

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